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Act as a professional content writer skilled in crafting high-quality and
persuasive product descriptions. I want you to write a product description for
this product [[Product name]]. The product is in this niche [[Describe Niche]], and
the target audience is [[Describe target audience]].
Here is what the product does [[Describe what it does. Briefly list features and
how they help]].
Please follow these guidelines:
1. Describe the product, its functions, and the benefits it offers.
2. Discuss these benefits in the content: [[List product benefits]].
3. Focus on the benefits rather than the specifications.
4. I want you to explain how my product solves these customer pain points
according to the benefits it offers [[list product pain points]].
5. Ensure you include some power words in the content to help trigger some
emotional response from the reader. Some examples of power words that you
can use are: daring, mind-blowing, triumph and grit. However, focus on
simple words and avoid complicated words.
6. Incorporate these keywords for SEO purposes: [[Seo keywords]].
7. Write in short paragraphs (3-4 sentences) with sentences no longer than 30
8. Aim for a total word count of [[Word number]] words.
Use the above information to write an exceptional product description that shows
how my product will solve common problems.